
If we haven’t covered what you’re looking for in the FAQs, our customer service specialists are available from 10am - 7pm (EST), Monday - Friday, to answer all of your questions.

The best way to get in contact is via email, feel free to reach out to [email protected] and someone will get back to you in a flash, courtesy of the internet.

If you prefer to speak with someone over the phone - you can call the number 1-954-558-0702 and a nice, well informed person will be there to greet you on the other end. Or send an email to [email protected] .


18851 NE 29th Ave,
Miami, FL 33180


Phone number:

Working hours of the online store consultants:

10 am — 7 pm

Monday to Friday

Representation in Europe:

Politov Denys
Brännbergsgatan 2
94143 Piteå
VAT-nr SE720473173601
tel. +4-676-776-8393